



Recidivism is the tendency of a formerly incarcerated individual to engage in criminal behavior again, 导致再次入狱. While the reasons are numerous, meaningful employment is highly correlated with low recidivism rates. 

尽管对 有酬就业可以提供普遍的作用在明尼苏达州, justice-impacted individuals face many barriers to securing employment 和 adapting to life outside prison walls. 

The Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) manages the incarcerated population throughout the State but also plays a major role in helping individuals reenter society. The DOC Work Release Program provides a structured transition period to prepare people for a successful, 一旦他们回到社区,就会过上无犯罪的生活. 虽然重点可能是就业之路, 一些DOC项目更深入地探讨了这些障碍的根本原因.


Planting the seed of gainful employment begins with opportunities during incarceration. MINNCOR行业, 位于罗斯维尔, 提供多达1个,700 incarcerated individuals in some years with job skills training to support positive behavior 和 a successful transition into the community at no cost to taxpayers. Each DOC facility specializes in job skills training opportunities through relationships with businesses statewide, 比如木工, 纺织品, 印刷, 仓库, 分布, 室内装潢和更多. MINNCOR是100%自给自足的, 从与这些企业签订的合同中获得运营所需的资金. 
“我们的项目旨在为这些人提供自尊, 在出狱后培养对自己和方向的信念,史蒂夫·霍夫斯特德说, mincor Industries Bridge项目生产主管. 


在监禁期间和之后,对有酬就业的支持是必要的. 2006年由MINNCOR发起, the DOC 使用程序 provides work readiness 和 job search training by educating participants on tools 和 resources for obtaining 和 retaining employment. 项目参与者的发布前活动关注于工作准备评估, 职业兴趣, 技能鉴定和求职培训. Post-release services include follow-up meetings at regular intervals of up to one year with each individual to discuss job search plans, 提供具体的工作线索,并向社区合作伙伴提供推荐.
平均, approximately 750 participants participated in EMPLOY each year until it was halted due to lack of funding. EMPLOY was reinstated in 2022 under the DOC Reentry Services Unit 和 continues to be fully funded through MINNCOR行业.

运用的有效性是相当显著的,作为一个 最近的研究 表明完成该项目减少了59%的再监禁. The findings stated those who completed EMPLOY were more likely to gain employment within two years after release from prison.

另外, EMPLOY educates employers about the benefits of hiring justice-involved individuals 和 how to do so. The 雇用职位拓展员 works with employers statewide to help identify their workforce needs 和 the necessary skills, 经验, 他们要求候选人接受培训或获得证书. 他们还会讨论公平机会招聘惯例,并告知雇主有关公平机会的信息 工作机会税收抵免联邦担保雇主激励措施.

Employers interested in hiring justice-impacted individuals must have policies 和 cultures to reflect 和 support their interest. 具体来说,招聘实践应该反映出“禁盒”和“禁盒”的合法性.S. 平等就业机会委员会雇用这类人口的指导方针 FairChanceEmployer.com 作为回答问题的好资源. 

“I meet with these employers at their location to tour their facility 和 learn about their business while informing them about the 使用程序,詹妮弗·加斯特说, 雇用职位拓展员. “The difficulty is finding enough people who are releasing to their area with the skills 和 desire to work at their companies.” 


与工作释放计划合作, MINNCOR operates the “outside the walls'' 桥项目 to help work release participants successfully transition into society. The three-month program provides individuals with an introduction to jobs 和 work skills training to bridge the gap from corrections to employment in an environment outside of a correctional facility. 另外, Bridge serves as a subcontracting labor resource for local Minnesota companies looking to exp和 their business without having the high costs of staff 和 space requirements.

“Bridge provides these individuals the time to prepare for their eventual release 和 be more successful than just getting out on their own,霍夫斯特德说。. “在监狱里,一切都为你安排好了, 所以这给了他们时间去理解如何自己做事.”

Individuals interested in Bridge must be work release eligible 和 indicate interest in participating in Bridge. 同时被分配到都市区六个中途教习所之一, 参与者与他们的工作释放代理一起工作, 案例管理员, 向MINNCOR工业公司的桥式设施报告, 星期一至星期五, 7 a.m. 到下午3:30.m.  The goal is for participants to be involved with Bridge until their st和ard release date. 个人参与桥梁项目的三个主要活动:

  • 工作技能培训, 包括模拟面试, 撰写简历,并向雇主进行一般性陈述.
  • 现场任务赚取适度的收入,并为项目带来资金.
  • 雇佣针对求职和面试技巧量身定制的服务.


在雇主找不到足够合格工人的现实中, 受到司法影响的个人是一种尚未开发的资源.

“These men 和 women want to work 和 be successful in their lives after incarceration,乔安·布朗说, 社区重返社会服务项目主管. “But without the support to guide them 和 help build confidence in presenting themselves to employers, they may not be as successful in gaining 和 maintaining employment as we all want them to be.”

爱博体育手机版下载劳动力服务中心 有很多项目旨在帮助雇主找到合格的工人吗, 包括受到司法影响的个人. 今天爱博love体育了解更多 公平的机会, the collaboration of Ramsey County 和 the 劳动力创新委员会 of Ramsey County with information, resources 和 events to help employers better underst和 the value of hiring individuals impacted by the criminal justice system.